
Not everything is as they seem

Salitha Nirmana Meththasinghe
Blue Insights
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2021


Maya knew that what she was doing was unethical. However, she couldn’t help but keep her eyes set on the scene going down there. It was another pleasant evening in the summer. The sun was about to set and the breeze was wiping the weariness off her body. The river was so calm that it looked like a belt spread across the dry land.

It was the owner of the lodge in which she was staying who suggested that she should be here at this hour. She told herself that what had caught her attention at the moment made her one-hour trekking to this place worthy.

But it was not only nature that caught her attention. Her eyes behind the binoculars were discreetly watching the couple on the river bank. They were in each other’s arms their eyes locked on each other. They acted as if they were hidden away from the rest of the world. Maya carefully looked around. Apart from her, the only person who could have seen them was the nearby ranger. But he was too busy with a phone call.

Maya looked at them again. Even if they were about a hundred meters down the hill she was standing on, through her extra pair of eyes Maya could see that both the man and the woman were in their twenties.

Neither of them talked. Strangely, Maya didn’t feel anything peculiar about that. It was like they both found contentment in each other. Or maybe their conversation was something beyond words. Maya pitied the ranger who was still on the phone. He wasn’t lucky enough to witness something that aesthetic. For Maya, such scenarios only existed in popular culture. She knew she could watch it all day.

The couple’s chemistry reminded her why she was in this rural area for the summer in the first place. She had had to change her original plans to get a break from everything. Suddenly, she began to feel something heavy on her heart. That’s because the person she used to share her plans with was no longer in her life. Tears gathered in her eyes while she was dwelling on the circumstances that made things like this.

In the beginning, everything went smooth between Andrew and her. Despite their stressful careers they still managed to keep going. They didn’t regret missing the time of their lives. They thought delayed gratification would bring the maximum pleasure in the end.

Yet, eventually, things changed and everything began to fall apart. What seemed trivial in the beginning, gradually became issues that questioned their compatibility. So, for them and the outer world, their breakup was inevitable. What surprised them the most was it not being as devastating as expected.

Maya let out a long sigh. Even in her most intimate memories regarding Andrew, she couldn’t contemplate one single moment like the one this couple was having right now. She envied them for that.

“Cut. Nice shot!”

Suddenly, a very loud voice brought Maya back to reality. She quickly spotted some movements in the thicket near the river. The next moment a few people with camera equipment came out of it.

For a moment, Maya couldn’t believe her eyes. She looked around with confusion and saw the ranger walking towards her with a smirk.

“It’s quite a view, right?” He asked in a rough tone approaching her.

“What the hell is going on?” Maya sounded lost.

“Ah! A bunch of nerds is shooting a student film.” The ranger sounded like he didn’t care about what was going down there at all.

“With the entire crew in the bushes?” Maya didn’t hide her surprise.

“It’s a new trend. According to them, the crew itself is a distraction. Scenes like this are better off with fewer distractions. It’s called stealth filming.”

Maya got drowned in a sudden uncertainty.

Stealth filming! She never knew it was a thing.

Most importantly, she had no idea what to think.

